Friday, February 26, 2010


Yesterday was a glorious day. The Republicans finally had their day in court, and they came well prepared. It's not as though this is new to them. They have been trying to get their ideas on the table for over a year, and have been dismissed, ignored and shut out for the same amount of time. The Republicans looked intelligent, thoughtful, articulate and committed, while Obama looked more obvious that ever before. His contempt, antipathy, arrogance and loathing was so apparent it was almost laughable, except for the fact this man is in the White House.

After a year of anguish, frustration and sorrow for Americans who have felt their sovereignty slipping away, Obama's dog and pony show "summit" was a sight to behold.

Erick Erickson of Red State has a great piece on this today:

The Sham Wow Summit
by Erick Erickson, Febryary 26, 2010

There are many reasons the Republican Party is often referred to as the Stupid Party. Many Republicans thought that after the President overshadowed the GOP at their Baltimore retreat last month, going to Blair House yesterday would just be another PR disaster.

It was anything but.

The GOP won the day so convincingly that even the traditional media had to praise the party for talking issues.

Contrast that with Barack Obama who scowled, berated, lied, and harassed the attendees — not to mention filibustered them.

In the most ironic moment of the day, Barack Obama lectured Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor on having the Democrats’ 2,700+ page health care bill on his desk at the meeting. Obama called it a “prop.” At the same time, Democrats were in the newspapers admitting that, in effect, Barack Obama was using the GOP as a prop in a vain effort to show bipartisanship on health care.

There is bipartisanship on health care. There is bipartisan opposition to it. The Democrats must realize today that they would get nothing out of the meeting. They will now try to force health care deform through Congress on a majority vote in each house.

Only a couple of years ago, Barack Obama praised the filibuster claiming it was what the founding fathers wanted to prevent the tyranny of the majority. Now he is intent on ignoring the filibuster and ramming through health care deform.

If nothing else, today shows the American public that the Republicans have a better agenda, better ideas, and are willing to stand up and oppose a reckless scheme that will increase health care costs.